In the expansive ballroom of the Marriott Hotel near San Francisco Airport, the ceiling reverberated with the roar of passing planes, causing the worn chandeliers to tremble. The perimeter was dotted with empty water glass trays, while the paisley orange and green carpet concealed coffee stains but not their lingering aroma. The windows draped in sheer white fabric let the soft afternoon light filter through the glass panes.
"Stop and feel your feet," echoed the wise words of Richard Strozzi.
I was attending a Business Professional Class, delving into embodiment techniques led by Richard, a remarkable guest instructor. A 6th-degree black belt in Aikido, Richard's encounter with Toby Hect, the founder of the BPC, had earned him an invitation to impart his wisdom for a day.
Richard guided us around the room, prompting us to pause and connect with the sensations in our feet. In one of these moments, an awakening unfolded within me. It felt as if I had entered a universe of my own, where the existence of my feet registered visually and functionally, yet I couldn't sense them—nothing. This absence of feeling ignited my curiosity, sparking a desire to experience my body truly.
Following this profound encounter, the resonant words from an Abraham Hicks cassette tape lingered in my mind: "If you earthlings understood energy, you would understand everything." I was intrigued.
For the past 28 years, my journey has been dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of energy, a captivating unseen force animating life. Through various practices and teachings, I discovered that my body communicates through sensations and emotions. Network chiropractic unveiled to me the spectrum of sensations—from excruciating pain to ecstatic delight.
My practice in Aikido taught me the art of receiving others' energy without internalizing it personally. By mastering The Three Principles, I recognized that thoughts manifest energy from the formless to the tangible realm, shaping my reality based on the perceptions I hold.
Exploring psychic school expanded my understanding, equipping me with the tools to ground and maneuver my energy field, releasing any external energies that may have entwined with mine. This profound self-exploration has allowed me to experience myself, truly unveiling the inherent beauty within.
Central to my growth has been recognizing, trusting, and being entirely accountable for my feelings. This profound shift has transformed my relationships, as evident during a recent weekend when I grappled with frustration and undefined emotions. Consciously acknowledging my feelings and communicating honestly with my partner without assigning blame fostered understanding and harmony.
As dawn broke the next day, my energy shifted—a testament to the ever-changing nature of energy. In embracing this renewed energy, my partner and I navigated the day gracefully, unburdened by emotional residue.
The Guest House - Rumi
This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.
Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.