
Harmonic Match

Harmonic Match

For the past two years, my partner and I have gone to Limitar Beach about three times a month.

I am often teased about how often I go out here. I hear comments like “Oh, what a surprise” or “Again, really.”

It is difficult for me to share how profound of an experience this place is for me.

First of all, every time I come here, it is different. The weather, temperature, wind and light vary. It is like walking into a new country each time for me.  And the bird migration is unique. Sometimes I see so many pelicans diving, I feel like the place is being invaded. Other times the beach is void except for a few gulls. I never know what show I will see.

The part that I love about going out here is I disconnect from day-to-day life and connect to myself. I find the quiet in me and settle with it. I stare out at the ocean and waves and feel the waves of energy in me; the harmonic match.

I love connecting with myself. I didn’t used to be that way. I  used to avoid being by myself. I had so much noise that it was like walking into a heavy-weight boxing match.

I have learned where to put my attention. I know that my mind loves to make up dramatic and doomsday stories. I know that my body carries old trauma patterns. I also know that there is a larger source in me. A quiet, untouched place that is eternal, wise, loving, and great to be with. This is where I put my attention. Instead of looking at the noise, I look for the quiet. I look for the still. I look for the spacious in me.

As I sit here and write this, I can feel this space open up in me. It is so beautiful, it takes my breath away, like Limatour Beach.

I love showing this space to my clients.  If you would like to discover this space inside of you.

Please schedule a call with me.

I am also hosting a one-day workshop on June 29 with my partner in Exquisite Being, Molly Lynch, to cultivate our relationship with this space and ourselves.  Here is more information on the event.

“Keep silent because the world of silence is a vast fullness.”-Rumi